Today, I add a little bit unusual DIY. Sometimes, I have an idea to change a color of my hair. I know, I dye it, but change is never bad. But I didn´t want something permanent, just something ,,crazy" temporary. So I tried to dye ends of hair with dry pastel. There are special chalks on it, but I had a pastel at home a long time ago, so why not to use it? After all, a principle is the same.
Potrebujeme/We need:
1 kriedu suchého pastelu- ja som použila svetlomodrý/ 1 chalk of dry pastel- I used a light blue color
uterák- aby sa nezašpinilo oblečenie/ a towel- not to mess clothes
1. Konce vlasov musia byť mokré alebo vlhké. Čím mokrejšie vlasy sú, tým lepšie pastel chytí. Pod vlasy si dajte uterák.
1. Ends of hair have to be wet or damp. The more wet hair is, the better pastel catchs to it. Put towel beneath hair.
2. Vezmeme prameň vlasov a po koncoch prejdeme so suchým pastelom. Ja som to robila tak, že jednu ruku som si podložila pod vlasy a druhou som prechádzala pastelom po vlasoch. Ak chcete aby sa zafarbili aj úplne konce vlasov, tak sa nebojte si pofarbiť aj spodnú ruku, lebo inak to nejde.
2. Take a lock of hair and go through it with a dry pastel. I did it the way that I put one hand beneath hair and I applied pastel with the second one. If you want to dye every part of ends of hair, don´t be afraid to dye your hand which is beneath hair, because there is no other way.
3. Continue this way through all ends of hair. BTW: The towel is really needed, because as you can see in the pic, the towel is also dyed with blue color.
4. Konce vlasov vysušíme a prejdeme po nich žehličkou na vlasy, aby sa farba udržala. Potom konce zalakujeme.
4. We dry ends of hair and we also use a flat iron to keep color on hair. Then, we fix ends with a hairspray.
Rada 1: Vlasy vyzerali skôr do zelena ako do modra, preto odorúčam použiť o odtieň tmavšiu farbu, ako chcete.
Advice no. 1: Hair looked more into green color than blue, so I advise to use a darker shade of color than you want.
Rada 2: Počas umývania vlasov/ pred nanesením pastelu použite nejaký prostriedok na lepšie rozčesanie vlasov, lebo ja som svoje česala asi pol hodinu a pritom som si myslela, že si vytrám všetky vlasy.
Advice no. 2: During washing hair/ before an aplication of pastel use some product for better combing hair, because I brushed mine about half an hour and during this, I thought that I´m going to rip my all hair off.
Farba sa na oblečenie otláčala minimálne, bolo vidno len taký náznak. Pastel na vlasoch vydržal do prvého umytia vlasov, po ňom sa všetko vymylo. Hoci, keď ste sa veeľmi zapozerali, tak ste mohli vidieť ešte nádych do modra, ale nič extra viditeľné.
A color minimally rubbed off to clothes, I saw just a hint of it. Pastel held to hair until first washing, after this, everything washed out. Although, if you took a loong look, you could see a blue tone, but nothing extra visible.
Lovely :)
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Great idea for a short dip dye hair style <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
love your hair :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťNEW POST...
I really like it!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťAmazing result doll!!!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťKisses from Italy!!!
Fantastic post !
Sweetie you are so clever. I would love to do mine pink, well powder pink, just a soft touch you know. Thx for sharing.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťps sunshiny day here today :-)
Happy Sunday dear
Great Idea ,love it .)
Not for me.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťWow!! Love it!!
Chic With The Least
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Amiga os cabelos ficou ótimo amei
OdpovedaťOdstrániťtenha uma semana abençoada.
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it turned out really nice! like the subtlety of the blue in your blonde hair!
Beautiful! wishing you a great start of the week…
OdpovedaťOdstrániťKisses from Miami,
How awesome you've had the fun DIY hair done. I love your great attitude, why not do it for fun right. It turned out sweet. I love it on you. ox
So lovely my dear, this shade looks perfect on you!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI'd love to try the pink one :)
Niceee! :D
This is genial!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťSo cool hair ! :D
Beautiful, great advice. Hello dear stay in touch.
bloglovin follower
Wowwww Cool hair Lia!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI love it.
Kisses and Happy Monday
The Indian Savage Diary
great idea!!!! :)))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťMy Blog ♥
Amiga tenha uma ótima semana
Canal de youtube:
Love it! Have a nice week, dear! xx
This is so nice! I like the look. Happy First day of April! :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI AM ALSO ON: Instagram @kennydaily, Bloglovin and Facebook (i follow back, just let me know your links)
What Kenny Hearts a Lifestyle Blog
A lot of kisses darling!!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHappy Monday sweetie.
awesome products,love color shatush!
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fashion blogger pamela soluri
Nice color detail, ciao bella!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThank you for your nice comment!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Great idea!!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHave a good week!!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Ciao Lia!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťKisses from Italy doll!!!!
Looks good. Have fun.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťHave a sweet day babe
The Indian Savage diary
This looks like such a fun fashion DIY!