V tamto článku sa zameriavam na 3 kabelky- Satchel bag a Shopper bag.
I decided to add a new section. The section will focus on different terms in fashion, which everyone should know and sometimes focus on their history and description.
Satchel bag/ Taška Satchel
Satchel bag
www.bertiebrowns.co.uk |
Satchel je taška zvyčajne s popruhom cez rameno. Zvyčajne sa používajú na prepravu kníh, ale dnes sú často využívané aj ako obyčajné kabelky. Narozdiel od aktovky je satchel bag vyrobená z jemnejšieho vonkajšieho materiálu.
Taška sa stala populárnou už v 17. storočí. Tradičné Oxfordské a Cambridgeské satchel tašky mali jednoduchý dizajn, puzdro s prednou chlopňou, ktorá sa pripevňuje pomocou pracky.
Satchel is a bag usually with a shoulder strap. It´s traditionally used for carrying books.Unlike a briefcase, a satchel is soft-sided.
The bag became popular in 17th century. The traditional Oxford and Cambridge style satchel is a simple design that features a simple pouch with a front flap that fastens using double-sided buckles. Variations include designs with a single or double pocket on the front and sometimes a handle on the top of the bag.
www.pennylaneblog.com |
scan from french Vogue |
-Dokonca aj značka Mulberry ju má vo svojej kolekcii
- Even Mulberry brand has one in her collection
www.lwfashions.co.uk |
www.kubi.co.uk |
Shopper bag
Shopper bag
coolspotters.com |
Taška má úplne čisté línie a vyznačuje sa jednoduchosťou. Je väčšinou jednofarebná a bez potlačí. Základná taška má obdlžnikový tvar podobný A4, ale častými úpravami vznikli aj rôzne strihy a farebné kombinácie.
Ušká na shopper bag sú našité zvonku a jasne vidieť miesto, kde sú prišité k taške.
The bag has pure lines and its specific feature is a simplicity. It´s usually one- colored and without any print. The basic bag has a rectangle shape similar to A4, but with frequent modifications different cuts and color combinations were born. Bag handles are sewed on from outside and it´s very easily to see a place where they are sewed in to bag.
www.lyst.com |
www.vigilantfashionista.com |
www.lyst.com |
- z kolekcie Ralpha Laurena
- from Ralph Lauren collection
www.lyst.com |
- Michael Kors
scan from freanch Vogue |
- Le Tanneur
Zdroj/ Source : en.wikipedia.org
Mám rada oba typy, ale prevláda u mňa skôr asi shopper, keďže milujem kabelky Michaela Korsa :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI almost love every bag in the above!!!! The brown suede leather one is my fav!
I love all type of bags and any type of bags, haha. :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBut I'm kind of biased towards satchel.
Glitter And Blush
The shopper bag is really confy!!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI love bags, all models!!!!
Kisses Lia!
Olá!!!, Deus seja contigo, tenha um final de semana abençoado, amiga cor de bolsa maravilhosa amei, cada estilo que show de bolsa esta maravilhoso SUCESSO AMIGA.
OdpovedaťOdstrániťBlog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br/
Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis
Super bags !
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThank you for comment and visit on my blog :-)
Beautiful bas selection!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťCiao ciao
Lovely bags. Happy weekend!
Hi Lia,
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI love a good satchel bag. That one in French Vogue is incredible! :)
xx Easy Outfits, by Pip
All these beautiful bags! Can I just have them? haha <3
Great post! I really like the mustard yellow bag!
love this post :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLike your blog! Would you like to follow each other? :)
Love satchels <3 Cambridge ones are the best :)
We love all these bags!!
Chic With The Least
Also on Facebook and on Bloglovin’
I love satchel bags. :)
OdstrániťOlá!!!, Deus te abençoe boa tarde, amiga bom final de semana,
OdpovedaťOdstrániťsucesso amiga.
Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis
colori molto belli
dear such an interesting post! love satchel model
OdpovedaťOdstrániťcheck my latest post if you want too:)
NEW POST -> tr3ndygirl.com
Tnx for stopping by, have a lovely end of the week doll!!
Beautiful bas selection! ;*
OdpovedaťOdstrániťlove this post! ♥♥
OdpovedaťOdstrániťI love both of them! So cute post babe!
This is very interesting and informative!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťSatchels are my fav bags right now, and loved all the models your selected!
Nice :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťNEW POST...
Nice :-)
OdpovedaťOdstrániť❤ Habanero Handmade Blog
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Kisses honey! Good evening!!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťThank you for visiting and leaving a comment on my blog. Have a lovely week!
Oh wow the bag is just amazing!!!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLove Nilu Yuleena,
BIG hair LOUD mouth BLOG
BIG hair LOUD mouth FACEBOOK page
Great selection. A girl can never have too many bags!