piatok 11. októbra 2013

DIY: Krátke korálkové náušnice/ Short beaded earrings

Uvedomila som si, že už dlho tu nebol žiaden DIY článok. Tak tu je tutoriál na náušnice, na ktoré som dostala samé pochvaly. :)

I´ve realized that it´s a long time since I added some DIY post. So here is a tutorial on earrings, on which I received many compliments. :)


 Potrebujeme/ We need:
4 malé strieborné koráliky/ 4 small silver beads
2 stredné strieborné koráliky/ 2 middle silver beads
2 väčšie strieborné koráliky/ 2 bigger silver beads
2 veľké ozdobné strieborné koráliky- v mojom prípade kvety/ 2 big decorative silver beads- in my case it were flowers
2 háčiky na náušnice/ 2 hooks for earrings
2 keltovacie nity/ 2 rivets on beads ( I don´t know if it´s really called like this)
2 keltovacie nity s očkom/ 2 rivets on beads with loop
kliešte/ tongs
okrúhle kliešte/ round tongs

Postup/ How to do it:
1. Najmenšiu korálku navlečieme na keltovací nit s očkom a od korálky necháme asi 1 cm keltu. Zvyšok odstriheme.
1. We put the smallest bead on rivet on beads with loop and we left about 1 cm of rivet on beads from bead. We cut the rest off.

2.  Zvyšnú časť nitu zahneme do tvaru očka, ale necháme priestor, aby sa ešte cez neho dal prevliecť ďalší.
2. We bend reamining part of rivet into the shape of loop, but we let some space there to pull another bead through it.

3. Prvý a druhý krok opakujeme aj so strednou a potom s väčšou korálkou.
3. We repeat step one and two with middle bead and then with bigger bead, too.

4.Ozdobné korálky majú väčšinou veľké dierky, takže vypadnú cez keltovací nit. Ja som to vyriešila tak, že na keltovací nit som najprv dala najmenšiu korálku. Ale ak vám ozdobná korálka drží na nite aj bez tej malej, tak potom to vôbec nemusíte robiť.
4. Decorative beads usually have big holes, so they fall out throug rivet on beads. I solved that way- at first I gave on rivet the smallest bead. But if a decorative bead hold on the rivet without the small one, than you don´t have to do this.

5. Na keltovací nit ( s alebo bez malej korálky) dáme ozdobnú korálku. Zvyšok nitu ohneme do slučky a prevlečieme cez nit na najväčšej korálke.
5. We put decorative bead off the rivet on beads ( with or without small bead). We bend the rest of rivet to the shape of loop and we pull it over the rivet on the biggest bead.


6. Cez voľné očko na nite, ktoré je na najmenšej korálke prevlečieme háčik na náušnicu.
6. We pull hook for an earring through free loop on rivet which is on the smallest bead.

7. Dotlačíme všetky voľné slučky.
7. We push every free loop. 

Dúfam, že sa vám môj nápad páči a som zvedavá na vaše komentáre. :)
I hope you like my idea and I´m curious about your comments. :)
 BTW: This is my first DIY post in english and I´m pretty sure that here are some mistakes, so if you find some, let me know. :)

24 komentárov:

  1. Vypadá to skvěle :-)

  2. So lovely!!!! Great job Lia!!!!
    Happy friday hun!

  3. Olá!!!, Deus te abençoe boa tarde e bom final de semana, amiga amei o brinco, SUCESSO AMIGA.
    Blog: http://arrasandonobatomvermelho.blogspot.com.br
    Canal de youtube: http://www.youtube.com/NekitaReis

  4. beautiful.love the earrings
    wanna follow each other via gfc and bloglovin

    1. Thanks, I´ve already followed you, it´s your turn now. :)

  5. Teda!! Vážně moc pěkné! :-)
    ráda bych tě pozvala na svůj blog, kde se koná malá soutěž, byla bych moc ráda, kdyby ses zapojila :-) http://bafcoolture.blogspot.cz/

  6. I fall in love with your beautiful earrings! <3

    Kisses and hugs,
    Marentora :)


  7. Awww fab DIY, you very cute darlin!
    I like so much the final result <3
    Xxx darlin


